Memperingati Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW pada Masa Pandemik


First of all, let us express our gratitude to Allah SWT. who has bestowed His mercy, taufik and guidance on all of us, so that we can meet in this happy place to commemorate the Birthday of Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Furthermore, we offer prayers and greetings to the Prophet Muhammad at the end of time, Prophet Muhammad SAW, he is our lord, namely the Great Prophet Muhammad. Through him Allah showed humans to a realm filled with the light of faith and piety to Allah SWT.

The purpose of holding the Prophet Muhammmad SAW’s birthday event is: To instill, cultivate and increase our love (Mahabbah) for the Prophet Muhammad, To re-reveal the history of the Prophet’s life, to be emulated, especially to our children who know more about cartoon characters than their relatives. and a friend of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Children must be introduced to the Prophet Muhammmad SAW’s morals from an early age so that they can imitate the Prophet’s morals in their daily life.

Finally, I hope that with the commemoration of the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday, we can increase our faith in Allah and His Messenger, love him and bring positive changes in all areas of life.
It is our hope, by commemorating the Prophet’s Birthday, it will increase our faith and devotion to Allah SWT. and the increasing pleasure of praying for the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

TK Islam Soebono Mantofani merayakan peringatan Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW dengan menghadirkan pendongeng ceria dan ramah yang menceritakan kisah Rasulullah SAW melalui media pembelajaran jarak jauh (PJJ) Meet Room.
Memperingati Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW via Meet Room
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