Tentang Sekolah

TK Islam (RA) Soebono Mantofani merupakan lembaga pendidikan formal tingkat pra sekolah di bawah naungan koordinasi Departemen Agama. Lembaga Pendidikan ini telah diakreditasi Departemen Agama Kabupaten Tangerang dengan nomor statistik:

RA Soebono Mantofani beralih menjadi TK Soebono Mantofani terhitung mulai tanggal 29 Februari 2012 berdasarkan Surat Keputusan (SK) kepala Dinas Pendidikan No. 421/274 1-Dispend/2012 tentang pemberian izin operasional di bawah naungan Kementrian Pendidikan Nasional.

Bangunan sekolah tersebut berdiri di tanah milik sendiri dengan bangunan permanen, adapun luas tanah tersebut ±1600 m2, berstatus waqaf bertempat di jl. Sumatera no 75 Kp Rawa Lele kelurahan Jombang, Kecamatan Cipuatat Kota Tangerang Selatan.

Visi Misi

Membentuk Aqidah Qawwimah (Keyakinan yang Lurus)
Membentuk Akhlaqul Karimah (Akhlak Yang Mulia)
Membentuk Aqlun Dzakiyun (Akal Yang Cerdas)

Sambutan Kepala Sekolah

Praise be to our gratitude for the presence of ALLAH SWT for all His grace, guidance, grace, kindness and permission. Finally, the official website of TK Islam Soebono Mantofani was launched at the beginning of the new academic year.

While giving praise and gratitude to the presence of God Almighty, with my proud feelings I wrote a speech as the principal of the school, in the context of launching the school website which will become the information center for the development of Soebono Mantofani Islamic Kindergarten.

The website can be used as a medium for disseminating information from schools, which stakeholders should know widely. Besides that, the website can also be an effective school promotion tool. Various positive school activities can be uploaded, accompanied by photos and videos, so that the public can find out about the achievements that have been achieved by TK Islam Soebono Mantofani.

The school website can contain blogs that can write various articles about school learning and activities.

During this pandemic, when the Ministry of Education and Culture implemented the school from home policy, the presence of the website was very helpful in learning.

As a learning medium, we can use the school website to invite students to learn in virtual classes through the video conference application. In addition, we can also use it to invite parents to virtual school meetings.

Finally it was realized that there were still many weaknesses that occurred on the Soebono Mantofani Islamic Kindergarten website. Therefore, we will continue to learn to improve, so that our appearance, content and quality will continue to grow. To the school website management, in order to continue to develop the website with enthusiasm, sincerity, without knowing giving up

- Our Regard Principal