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The Stories 2019

TK Islam Soebono Mantofani
The Activity

Marching Band Kids

Be the person you want your child to be..

Cooking Class

It’s not what you leave to your children, it’s what you leave in your children.

Field Trip

Being patient with our children is an act of worship..


Your children need your presence more than your presents.

Manasik Haji

Don’t tell your child, “Go and pray, otherwise you’ll go to hell.” But tell him/her, “Come and pray with me, so we can enter Jannah together.

Horse Riding

Your child will follow your example, not your advice.

Independence Day

And know that your properties and your children are but a trial, and that Allah has with Him a great reward. – (Q.S Al-Anfal: 28)

Kartini Day

Children want your time more than anything else. Play with them, teach them, and cherish them. Because they are an amanah to you from your Lord.

Maulid Day

Teach your kids Quran, and Quran will teach them everything.

Medical Checkup

There is no gift a parent can give his child that is better than good manners


We always think what will happen to my children after i die, but we should really think what will happen to my children after they die..


Do not raise your children to provide for you. Raise them to worship Allah and provisions will always come.


Be Responsible parents. Make du’a for your child.


Give due respect and regard to your children, and decorate them with the best of manners